Anxiety can intensify over period of time and is highly correlated to excessive worry. It becomes self-perpetuating, very frustrating and impactful on lifestyle, causing disturbed sleep, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating, fatigue restlessness, irritability, and shortness of breath.
When dealing with anxiety many areas need to be considered. Personality characteristics such as poor coping skills and low self-esteem can be factors that play a role.
Side effects from illicit drug use can definitely set up long term anxiety disorders. Excessive caffeine intake as well as alcohol consumption can also play a role in anxiety.
A person’s ability to make specific chemicals that the brain uses to stay calm and relaxed can also contribute to anxiety. For some, their gut’s bacteria may be compromised and they can’t produce these important chemicals; the gut is often referred to as the second brain for this reason. For others they may be genetically compromised and unable to convert the chemicals into a useable form.
Anxiety can also be caused by many underlying conditions like low blood sugar levels, compromised thyroid, hormonal imbalances, heavy metal toxicity, imbalances in carbon dioxide levels and poor breathing techniques. Experiencing a cluster of traumatic events can also have effects on long term anxiety.
Once these imbalances are identified and treated, anxiety can be controlled and a person’s lifestyle can be restored.