What is your Poo telling you about your health?
The taboo subject of your “Poo” has never been more important in educating you in regards to the state of your health.
Becoming familiar with the shape and size of your poo can help identify if you’re constipated, dehydrated, have diarrhoea, a probable infection and some general indications to the state of your digestion.
Few tips on what the shape of your Poo is telling you
Pebbly Poos / small lumps hard to pass – very likely you’re severely constipated, dehydrated and maybe consuming a food that is making your digestive system unhappy.
Poo’s with cracks and lumps clumped together- mild to moderately constipated and dehydrated. Need to drink more H2O.
Smooth and sausage like, easy to pass- Perfect… the Ideal Poo
Flaky chunks- Need to increase fibre intake.eg psyllium husks, flaxseeds, fruit and vegetables
Watery and loose, no solid pieces- Diarrhoea, possibly consuming allergen foods that are making the digestive system irritated.
Explosive, watery, very smelly- Likely to have an infection in the bowel eg Parasite infection- Blastocystis, this needs to be investigated further.
If you’re not looking at your poos, now’s the time to start. First identify the shape. Consulting the Bristol Stool Chart is very helpful.
The long-term effects of being constipated on your body is similar to what would happen in your home if the kitchen bin didn’t get emptied, ……..the rubbish would tumble out on to the kitchen floor, stinking the house up , attracting flies, cockroaches and an environment that is not desirable to live in.
The same occurs in your bowel, having poo sitting in the large intestine for long periods of time changes the environment, setting up an unhealthy microbiome and putting extra load on other detoxification organs like the liver, kidney and skin.
A great habit is to check your poos every day, identify the shape, if it’s not like a “slippery sausage” make adjustments to your diet and keep checking to see that it changes.
If there are no changes then you probably need extra guidance with supporting your digestive system and identifying the cause. Contact us for more support and have your bowels moving with ease and comfort.