Depending on your body’s Vitamin D level, can determine how your immune system responds to challenges like viruses and bacterial infections, which is very relevant at this point in time.
Living in sunny Australia many people believe their Vitamin D levels are fine as they can access this essential vitamin from the sun. However this is not the case for many.
Firstly due to avoiding sun exposure can decrease your Vitamin D levels BUT also people with impaired liver and kidney function, malabsorption and gastrointestinal illnesses ALL can affect the metabolism of Vitamin D and risk deficiency.
How do you find out if your levels are adequate?
Contact the clinic and we can arrange a simple inexpensive blood test, your results will be back within 48 hours, where we can then discuss if there is a need to increase your levels and the best way to achieve this.
Vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide health concern, get your levels checked today.